A free school of “white” hackers was opened in Ukraine

19 October, 2018, 15:36 275
A free school of “white” hackers was opened in Ukraine

Another free school for IT specialists has appeared within the territory of the UNIT.City innovation park in Kyiv. The Cyber ​​School will focus on the preparation of the so-called “white” or “ethical” hackers, whose average salary in Ukraine is $1,300 (according to DOU). The application process has already started, and it will last until October 26. Training starts in December 2018 and will last for 5 months.

To participate in the program, candidates must possess basic technical knowledge and programming skills. The organizers will select students on a competitive basis. Selection for school includes online and offline testing, an interview, and an express course. At that stage, 40 best students will be selected to begin a full training in January 2019.

The program is designed for five months of study full time, completely in English.

Within the Cyber School, students will take intensive courses on the security of networks and applications, operating systems, reverse engineering, etc. The best graduates are promised to get guaranteed job offers.

The School was founded by Alexei Baranovskiy, associate professor of the Information Security Department of the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, co-founder of the Ukrainian “white” hacker community “Hacken” Yegor Aushev, and creator of “uData School”, also known as UNIT.City managing partner – Dmytro Yeremin.

“There are about 40 universities in Ukraine that produce IT-specialists annually, and there are still not enough professionals in the field of cyber security. And, by the time the students graduate from universities – the relevance of the data is lost, new challenges appear, and the new graduates are simply not ready to face them,” – Baranovskiy explains.

According to Yeremin, today there are only a few hundred information security professionals in Ukraine (which does not prevent them from being the best in the world). The task of the school is to increase its number tenfold.

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