The Ukrainian delegation of the international network Transparency International has determined the transparency of the investment sphere of the 100 largest cities of Ukraine. The first in the ranking was Ivano-Frankivsk. reports about it.

Methodology of evaluation consisted of 17 indicators. It was developed by experts of Transparency International together with foreign investors, Ukrainian enterprises and social divisions of city governments.

The top three rankings included Ivano-Frankivsk (15 out of 20 points), Kyiv (12.7) and Vinnitsya (12). The authors noted the work of the Investment Portal of the city of Ivano-Frankivsk. For reaching the highest point of performance, the city was recommended to imbed seasonal trade e-auctions, to connect the city to a platform that helps people open their own business, publish a list of current regulatory acts, and include entrepreneurs as members of the executive committee.

To improve investment transparency, Kyiv needs to post data on engineering networks, resolve the conflict of interests of the executive committee members and connect the city to a platform that helps people open their own business. A system of electronic auctions for the sale of rights to place seasonal trade was recognized the best practice in Kyiv.