Ukrainian Tubik Studiо receives Red Dot Design Award for a project dedicated to Stanley Kubrick

29 July, 2019, 13:30 270

Ukrainian studio Tubik Studio received the Red Dot Design Award for a research project dedicated to Stanley Kubrick’s life and work called Kubrick.Life. The first who picked up this news was

The authors of the project are designers Vlad Taran and Oksana Lashko. Their project is a one-page website featuring the story of the life and work of a British director. Designers worked on Kubrick.Life for a year, collecting information from open sources, documentaries, and also communicating with people who were familiar with Kubrick. The project is dedicated to the 90th birthday of the director. notes that the authors sought to make each section of the website such that it conveyed emotions and sensations as if the person was indeed watching the original film. That is how the color coding and noise on the screen similar to the picture of an old TV came about.

Previously, Kubrick.Life received The Webby Awards 2019, Site Of The Day by AWWWARDS and FWA of the day awards. Recently, the project has been evaluated by the Red Dot jury under the Brands & Communication Design category.

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