Reputation ranking of tech companies in Ukraine

27 May, 2020, 13:00 252
Reputation ranking of tech companies in Ukraine

PointeR Agency Communications Agency has conducted a study among IT companies regarding the number of positive mentions in the mass media and social media. AIN.UA provides the ranking of companies with the best reputation.


The study determines the extent of communication that companies conduct, how they convey positive information about themselves, and how correctly and actively they work with negative information.

Top three by the total number of mentions are the following companies:

  • SoftServe — 4,081;
  • Sigma Software — 3,674;
  • EPAM — 2,562.

The following companies are the best in terms of the number of positive and neutral mentions:

  • SoftServe — 1,089;
  • DataArt — 461;
  • Sigma Software — 255;
  • Ciklum —203;
  • EPAM — 170;
  • Luxoft — 158;
  • Infopulse — 152;
  • Lucky Labs — 144;
  • GlobalLogic — 88;
  • ELEKS — 68;
  • EVOPLAY — 43;
  • Intellias — 44.


Ciklum and Lucky Labs received negative media mentions.

“However, a detailed analysis showed that such media coverage of the companies has formed either due to ignoring the crisis situations or an incorrect reaction to the crisis. As a result, a large number of mentions on the Internet, which can be regarded as “negative,” are not such. Which, ideally, needs to be fixed,” says Olesya Stoyko, co-owner of PointeR.

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