In late May, AIN.UA reported that Apple registered a legal entity in Ukraine. On July 2, 2020, there was official confirmation that the company was going to open a representative office in Ukraine. Apple has published a job opening for the position of a Chief Accountant on its official website, as the DOU reported.

According to the opening, the company needs a person who will be responsible for finance, with experience in accounting and strong analytical skills.

The requirements for the job seeker are as follows:

  • Diploma in Accounting with minimum 5 years of proven experience in Ukrainian accounting and tax.
  • Ukrainian and English languages.
  • Excellent knowledge of SAP, Excel, and Keynote.
  • Knowledge of financial reporting systems such as Tableau, EDW, BW.
  • Strong analytical skills, ability to evaluate, analyze, and present data to a broad audience.
  • Proactivity, excellent communication, and presentation skills.
  • Attention to detail and proven track record to meet tight deadlines.

Such a specialist will be responsible for:

  • Compliance of all statutory and tax reporting with Ukrainian GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Rules), US GAAP, and tax laws.
  • Work with tax audits.
  • Continuous legal entity oversight.
  • Preparing quarterly reports for management, including balance sheet and income statement reviews.

You can apply for the position on the company’s website.