Ukrainian price of PlayStation 5 is the lowest in Europe

23 September, 2020, 11:39 589
Ukrainian price of PlayStation 5 is the lowest in Europe

The cost of the Sony new generation gaming console in Ukraine is at least €19 cheaper than in European countries. Compared to other neighbors, the difference is almost €50, Gsminfo reports.

In the Ukrainian market, the official price of consoles will be 12,999 and 15,999 UAH for the digital model and the model with a disc drive, respectively. In other currencies, the price is about €390 and €480, that is cheaper than in Europe, where the console costs €399 and €499, respectively.

Cheaper than in Ukraine, you can buy the disc drive version of the gaming console only in the USA, for €423, and in Japan, where it will cost only €408.

For example, PlayStation will cost €513 (2,299 PLN) in Poland, while in Belarus, the same console will cost €526 (1,599 BYN).

Price in euroPrice in national currency
Japan€40849,980 JPY
USA€423499 USD
Ukraine€48015,999 UAH
Germany€499499 EUR
Poland€5132,299 PLN
Belarus€5261,599 BYN

The prices are given for the more expensive console with the DVD drive. The prices for comparison were taken from the retail stores of the above countries with taxes included.

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