Google Maps updates satellite map of Ukraine. It shows Mariupol, Irpin, and other cities destroyed by Russia

26 April, 2023, 16:54 554
Google Maps updates satellite map of Ukraine. It shows Mariupol, Irpin, and other cities destroyed by Russia

Google Maps has updated satellite data for Ukraine. From now on, using this satellite mode, you can see the destruction of Ukrainian cities by Russian troops (the images are probably from March 2022).

  • This change was particularly noticed by Ukrainian users who had moved from destroyed or occupied cities, returning to the maps to see what their hometowns looked like before the full-scale war.
  • Similar pictures are now displayed on the maps of Mariupol, Irpin, Bucha, Hostomel, Stoyanka, Moschun, and other Ukrainian cities destroyed by the Russians.
  • In some cases, the pictures are no longer relevant, because, for example, after the de-occupation of the cities of the Kyiv region, they began to be rebuilt.
  • Peaceful photos of these cities can still be viewed in Street View mode. Presumably, they will stay there for a long time, because it is unlikely that the Russians will allow the Google cars that take these panoramic pictures.
  • Also, thanks to the map update, new mass burials in Mariupol became visible, in particular, at the Novotroitsky cemetery.

Why is it important?

Updated Google Maps satellite images of Ukraine are further clear evidence of Russians’ crimes in our country. From now on, everyone can see what Russia did to Ukrainian cities — some of them are completely destroyed. This data is proving once again that the full-scale war in Ukraine is real (yes, there still are skeptics in the West, who spread different conspiracy theories about it), and the hashtag #RussiaIsATerroristState appeared reasonably.

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