On August 24, Facebook blocked the Mova page, devoted to the Ukrainian language. The founder of the community page, activist Oleksii Kliashtornyi, said that there was no reason announced for the blocking in the social network. He suggested writing to the support service.
The editors of AIN.UA contacted the press office of Facebook. Representatives of the social network said that the page violated the Community Standards.
This is a set of rules that provides security, opportunity to speak out, and fairness for all users. Mova repeatedly violated them:
The Community Standards are designed to keep people on Facebook safe and they prohibit things like bullying, harassment or hate speech. When a Page repeatedly posts content which violates these rules, as occurred here, then we unpublish the Page.
Facebook confirmed that the decision to block the page was final, the page will remain unpublished. More than 520,000 users followed Mova.