The NBU has raised the limit for some types of payments of individuals abroad. If earlier it was possible to invest up to 50,000 euros per year, now this amount has been raised to 100,000 euros per year.

It is a so-called e-limit: it is valid for transfers in foreign currency. It works for:

  • foreign currency transfers under a life insurance contract;
  • for investments abroad;
  • for placing funds on your own account outside of Ukraine;
  • in order to lend a foreigner an amount in foreign currency.

The raised e-limit can be used during the current year. Those Ukrainians who have already transferred 50,000 euros abroad within the previous limit will be able to transfer up to 50,000 euros by the end of this year.

As noted in the NBU, the regulator will be able to fully cancel the limit on currency transfer abroad only after the package of laws on BEPS actions will be adopted and put into effect in Ukraine.