The Ukrainian job aggregator Jooble has launched a landing page with the most relevant professions during the quarantine. There are already 5,000 job openings available on the website.

A video created by the creative agency Banda

The project is called “Руки” [Editor’s note: “Ruky” which means “Hands” in English]. The openings on the website are categorized as follows:

  • Delivery jobs;
  • Jobs at supermarkets;
  • Jobs in warehouses.

Users also can select the preferred company and filter the openings.

“We want to show people that every profession is important to society regardless of a collar color. This project is designed to support people who lost their jobs during the quarantine and companies that are creating new jobs now,” Jooble says.

Previously, AIN.UA told how the job market in Ukraine and the world has changed.