Apple seems to have registered a limited liability company in Ukraine. The corresponding entry appeared in the state register of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

The date of registration is April 15, 2020, the registered address is located at IQ Business Center, the company’s CEO is Roman Humeniuk.

The editor of AIN.UA has sent a request to Apple asking to confirm or deny this information, but at the time of publication of the news we have not received a response. At the same time, Apple Inc. is listed as the final beneficiary in the registry. According to one of the sources, American Apple is indeed opening a Ukrainian company. However, AIN.UA has no official confirmation yet.

According to a source in the market, starting an Apple legal entity in Ukraine is important:

“In a likelihood, they will not distribute products themselves: it is a long and complicated process. But they can authorize several other suppliers of legal products in the country and to launch more localized service points. In any case, the legal presence of the company in Ukraine is important for the market.”

According to AIN.UA, the announcement of the launch of Apple in Ukraine may take place already this summer. However, the company has not yet officially confirmed its plans to work on the Ukrainian market.