How Ukrainian air transportation will work, according to the State Aviation Administration’s directive

09 June, 2020, 14:33 593
How Ukrainian air transportation will work, according to the State Aviation Administration’s directive

On June 5, Ukraine resumed domestic flights and is planning to allow international flights on June 15. Therefore, the State Aviation Administration has published a list of requirements that airports, airline companies, and passengers must comply with to maintain safety during the coronavirus pandemic.

Some of the key requirements are:

  • Access to airport terminals should be severely restricted for passengers, crew members, and staff.
  • Physical distancing (1.5 meters between people) should be imposed, as well as enhanced hygienic and cleaning procedures.
  • In places with high crowd densities, measures should be taken to prevent lining up.
  • Online registration, contactless boarding, and other electronic alternatives to usual processes should be introduced.
  • In the airport, everyone should wear protective masks, including both staff and passengers. The staff should also wear protective gloves.
  • Thermal screening is recommended for passengers departing from and arriving at the terminal.
  • The State Aviation Administration recommends operators to increase the number of airside transfer buses that deliver passengers to airplanes.

The full list of requirements can be found here. In fact, this means the introduction of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) safety regulations, called COVID-19 Aviation Health Safety Protocol, in Ukraine.

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