On May 15, new terms of the WhatsApp user agreement will come into force. The new terms relate to updated privacy policy rules, under which the company will be able to transfer some of the user data to Facebook. If users do not agree to accept them, the functionality of their accounts will be gradually limited until the messenger becomes useless for them. WhatsApp explains how this will happen on its official website.

  • As WhatsApp informs, no one will have their accounts deleted or lose functionality of WhatsApp on May 15th because of this update. They will still be able to accept the new privacy policy after this date.
  • WhatsApp will periodically remind users to accept the updates for a few more weeks. Then, a notification will come, which can no longer be rejected.
  • From the date of receipt of the persistent reminder, the functionality of the messenger will be limited. The users will no longer have access to the list of chats; they will not be able to make calls and write messages – only to answer the incoming phone and video calls.
Image: WhatsApp
  • After a few weeks of limited functionality, the users will not be able to receive incoming calls or notifications, and WhatsApp will stop sending messages and calls to their phones.
  • After 120 days, WhatsApp will delete the accounts of those who never accepted the new privacy policy, treating them as inactive.