What would today’s popular social media and platforms have looked like in the days of the Snake game, floppy disks, and Tamagotchis? That’s the question the web studio Zyro asked themselves and redesigned Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Spotify, Twitch, WhatsApp, and Airbnb in the style of the 1990s. The vc.ru magazine drew attention to this.


In the 1990s, it would have had the same name as it had originally in 2004: The Facebook. Its news feed would have looked simple: events, photos, groups, pages, and settings. To edit a profile photo, you would have had to use Paint.

Images here and below: vc.ru


You wouldn’t have sent selfies on WhatsApp in the ’90s, but you would have easily chatted with MP3 messages, photos, gifs, and emoticons. There’s a 99% chance you’d have a cartoon character as your avatar and an illogical combination of numbers as your name.


It’s easy – run the program and start tweeting. There is always something to write about.


There would have been a thousand (not millions) different videos on YouTube in the ’90s: about skateboarding, with people listening to cassette tapes in their car, Internet guides, and, obviously, cat videos.


Today’s popular music streaming service would have probably looked like the old Winamp player with a touch of psychedelia and no images, only band names.


Everyone loves Fortnite, Minecraft, and Counter-Strike nowadays. In the ’90s, racing would probably have been at the peak of popularity, and yes, only with 2D-looking graphics.


The color scheme of the platform would have been called Barbie’s Dream House. In addition, other classic 90’s elements would have been present: flashing and rotating stars and arrows – how else would you know about a super offer?