The second generation of the product is called Scripter. The product had raised $111,000 by the end of the campaign.
Senstone is a Ukrainian startup that develops a wearable compact voice assistant. You can attach it to clothing and take your notes on the go.

- People first heard about the company in 2017, when Senstone launched a campaign on Kickstarter to raise funds for a product of the same name. That time, the team managed to raise $302,000 from 2,700 backers.
- In November 2021, the company launched a crowdfunding campaign for its second-generation assistant, called Scripter. It is an improved version of the previous model.
- Scripter, like its predecessor, can convert voice notes into text, record them on a dictaphone, and is water and dust resistant. The second device has improved recording quality and faster voice-to-text conversion. The new battery of Scripter can work 3.5 times longer: 10 days in standby mode and 6 hours of continuous recording. The storage capacity has also increased.
- In 2021, the company also introduced The Accurate Notes, a mobile app that works in tandem with the device. It collects all the notes allowing you to edit or share them.
- The price of Scripter on Kickstarter is $100. At the time this article was published, 748 people had already ordered it. The previous version cost $120 for backers on Kickstarter and retailed for $145.
The startup Senstone was founded by Nazar Fedorchuk in 2015. A year later, Markiyan Matsekh joined the project as co-founder. But already in 2019, he left the startup by mutual decision of the partners.