Carlson ASI EVIG Alfa invests €215k in Task4EA

18 April, 2023, 10:01 245
Carlson ASI EVIG Alfa invests €215k in Task4EA

Task4EA, a platform for people on the autism spectrum, has received €215,000 (PLN 1 million) from Polish venture capital fund Carlson ASI EVIG Alfa, which just completed the stage of building its investment portfolio. The fund became a shareholder in over 40 Polish startups, as it informed AIN.Capital in a press release.

  • Task4EmotionalAwareness is a project of and Dorota Korzeniowska. It develops a mobile app that supports people on the autism spectrum in reading and communicating emotions. The startup intends to use gamification mechanisms and AI algorithms.
  • According to the company estimates, at least 400,000 people with autism live in Poland, both children and adults. While over 82,000 school-age children need special care regarding education, as the data from the Ministry of Education and Science of Poland states. Thanks to the substantive partner of the project, the Prodeste Foundation from Wrocław, Task4EA hopes to provide a comprehensive solution.

“I am very happy that I was able to cooperate in the project with Dr. Joanna Ławicka, the author of many respected publications on the autism spectrum, and the Prodeste Foundation team. Their approach focuses on learning to decode emotions, which are particularly difficult to read correctly in people on the autism spectrum. We would like to transfer the experience of Prodeste specialists to the field of AI and provide a tool that will make it easier for people with autism to communicate emotions,”

Dorota Korzeniowska, co-founder of Task4EA, comments.
  • Task4EA is the last startup in which the Carlson ASI EVIG Alfa fund has invested. As part of the wider Carlson group, the entity has spent almost €11 million (PLN 50 million) over two years on investments in 41 Polish startups.

“As previously announced, we have completed the intensive stage of building our investment portfolio. Since the beginning of 2019, when the fund was launched, we have analyzed over 1,500 startups conducting advanced research and development in areas such as medtech, AI, IoT, and CleanTech. We have selected over 40 entities that, in our opinion, have the best business prospects in terms of commercialization and scaling of technological solutions,”

Dawid Wesołowski, president of Carlson EVIG Alfa, comments.
  • In coming months, the fund is planning to intensify the work with its portfolio companies in order to support them in obtaining further financing for development in subsequent rounds.

The fund’s portfolio also includes Nutrix, which recently completed a funding round, raising €2.1M in total.

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