The Ukrainian platform for finding tutors BUKI was included in TIME’s recent ranking of the best EdTech “rising stars” companies of 2024. In this rating, the company took the sixth place, being the only one from Ukraine overall.

  • This year, TIME, together with Statista, an international provider of market and consumer data and rankings, for the first time released a ranking of the world’s best EdTech companies.
  • The list included 250 companies from different countries, one third of them are from the USA. The rating is based on a formula that assesses financial stability and impact on the industry.
  • The world’s best EdTech Rising Stars were selected separately, this ranking included 15 companies. This way, the list singles out the organizations that had the highest rates of revenue growth over the past three years among those who submitted an application.
Screenshot of the TIME website

The co-founder and head of the BUKI platform, Vadym Synzheretskyi, reacted to the news on his Facebook page. “Now the team and I can safely casually say that we were on TIME, nothing special,” he joked.

About BUKI

BUKI is an EdTech startup offering a marketplace for teachers and tutors. The team has more than 130 employees, more than 110,000 private tutors use the platform. It is one of the largest EdTech startups in Europe.