Editorial policy

AIN.UA is a Ukrainian media about technology, business and their intersections, operating since 1999. We write about investments, startups, IT, economics, science and business, as well as the combination of money and innovation.

We provide a comprehensive daily technology and business picture of the day for our readers. We tell stories in simple language, but deeply and professionally: in our work, we adhere to journalistic standards and use the Code of Ethics of a Ukrainian journalist.

Our principles and principles of work

Editorial independence

The editors of the publication are independent, the owner of AIN.UA does not influence the editorial policy. We take a pro-Ukrainian patriotic position, do not cooperate with the Russians, and have transparent sources of funding.


We respect the right of our team members to have their own beliefs, political preferences, worldview, but none of these factors affect our professional work. If there is a risk of a conflict of interest for a particular person while working on a topic, we pass it on to another person.

We treat all our heroes with healthy journalistic skepticism, but respectfully and objectively. We do not provoke conflicts, but we are not afraid to ask sharp, uncomfortable questions. We verify all information received, even from reliable sources.

Selection and approval of topics

When choosing topics, the editors exclusively serve the interests of readers. When creating materials, journalists act in accordance with the editorial task and reject any attempts to influence the focus and content of the text by third parties.

The editors reserve the right not to approve materials with speakers - both interview heroes and experts providing comments. We accept only factual corrections that affect the correctness and objectivity of the topic we cover. All information that was heard during a conversation with a representative of the editorial office "on the record" can be published with the indication of the author of the quote, if the speaker did not ask for off-the-record communication.

The editors do not coordinate the style, layout, date and time of publication of the text with the characters. At the same time, speakers have the right to receive comprehensive information about the topic and focus of the upcoming material for which they are commenting. AIN.UA guarantees the heroes that their words will not be distorted and taken out of context.

Elimination of errors

The editors quickly correct grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors - readers can also report them to the editors using a special widget on the site.

We will inform you about the correction of factual errors and any additions/reductions to the material in the text of the article.

We do not remove materials from the publication under any circumstances.

If the person mentioned in the material considers the published information false, he can contact the editorial office with a request for a refutation - by e-mail or in paper form. The request must be substantiated and contain facts that testify to the falsity of the information. After that, the editor checks the provided information and, in case of confirmation of the facts, publishes a refutation. The editors reserve the right to give a reasoned refusal to refute.

Work with freelance authors and columnists

Some author's articles of the publication are prepared by freelancers who act exclusively on an editorial assignment and receive a monetary fee for the work done. The selection of freelancers is carried out by the editorial office itself in accordance with the candidate's professional journalistic skills.

We do not accept articles, interviews, reviews, etc., written for purposes other than our editorial task, for publication in the main media. Columns are published in a separate section with appropriate marking. The editors do not necessarily share the opinion of the columnists and are not responsible for their compliance with the law.

We edit and proofread each proposed column, evaluate its interest for the reader, as well as the competence of the author. AIN.UA does not publish columns containing explicit or hidden advertising, political slogans, hate speech and other manifestations of hatred. We do not agree with the columnists on the style, layout, date and time of publication of their column and may ask them to revise it if it does not meet editorial standards.

Work with sources

In our work, we occasionally resort to working with sources to obtain insider information. Here are the rules we use:

  • We do not cooperate with sources whose identities we cannot verify. Even if the source gives a completely anonymous comment, we ask him to provide information about himself in order to assess the degree of competence and affiliation to the commented topic. Otherwise, we refuse to cooperate.
  • We do not disclose our sources. The only case is when this is directly required by the legislation of Ukraine, namely the court. At the same time, we make every effort to avoid revealing the identity of the informant. Except for the journalist with whom the source communicates directly, only the editor working on the release of the text can know his identity.
  • We check the information in the largest number of sources.
  • We do not cooperate with sources with which there may be a conflict of interest or who seek to satisfy their own interests at the expense of the editorial office.
  • We do not pay sources for providing information.

Advertising publications

The editorial office and advertising department are separate structures. The advertising department has its own director and does not influence editorial decisions. All advertising publications that appear on the pages of the publication have the appropriate marking. Editorial staff may be involved in writing materials by agreement with the immediate supervisor and on the condition that such work does not contain a conflict of interest and does not affect the performance of the main editorial tasks.

We do not publish "jeans" - hidden advertising for monetary or other compensation.

The advertising department can refuse to cooperate with a potential client if his company or product contradicts the ethical and ideological position of the publication. We do not advertise:

  • Betting and gambling companies;
  • Companies related to the Russian and Belarusian markets have beneficiaries or money from these countries;
  • Alcoholic and tobacco products;
    political parties or persons of politicians;